Acupuncture Therapy
low back pain, knee pain and osteoarthritis
AcupunctureAcupressure Therapy
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese Medicine- based on to treating a variety of conditions by triggering specific points on the skin with needles. Chinese Medicine explains, Acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force known as ‘Chi’. By inserting needle through such a specific point, the energy flow will rebalance and disease can cure. It will reduce back pain, neck pain, all joint pains, headache, migraine and sinusitis. It also improves immune system and reduces stress.
At Santamaria, we have the trained professionals that to give optimum therapy for optimum health benefits.
Acupressure therapy helps in maintaining health by
Balancing Energy of the Body
The flow of energy is imbalanced when there is disruption in these channels due to stress injury etc. The Acupressure not only balances various energy forces in the body but also has positive effects on mind, spirit and emotions.